You’re about to take the first big step toward more magical teaching.
Activate your membership in three quick steps:
- Click the claim button below.
- Enter the personal coupon code written on your card to authenticate your membership.
- Complete your checkout.
Since you’re getting one year free, you’ll need to enter your credit card information so that The Plato Pack system can automatically charge your card if you decide to continue your membership next year.
The system will send you a reminder ahead of that renewal so you have time to decide what you’d like to do. If you don’t want to continue, just cancel your membership.
If you want to continue your access (and I hope you do!), The Plato Pack will process the $299.99 annual fee one year from today.
We couldn’t be more excited to welcome you into our tight knit teaching community!
If you have any questions, just send us a quick email at
Your super fan,