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    1. You’ve got it, Melanie! I’m excited to focus on teen numbers this week. Thanks for voting! <3

  1. Gina Ponder says:

    Hi Malia
    I love all your training videos. They are so helpful.
    I am starting 2D and 3D shapes after spring break so I hope you do a training on that. I know teen numbers won already.
    A quick question I have for you. For the addition and subtraction assessments, when during the school year would you administer those?
    Thank you for all your wonderful help!
    Gina Ponder

    1. Fantastic question, Gina! We want to make sure that students have a solid understanding of the concept of addition and subtraction before we assess their fluency so I wouldn’t give the fluency assessment to kindergarteners until the very end of the year if at all.

      In first grade, I would give the assessments after practicing a lot of hands-on centers like these ones:

      First graders would likely be ready for the addition assessment after the first quarter and could tackle the subtraction assessment once they had mastered their addition facts.

      For second graders, since they’ve likely been exposed to addition and subtraction in previous years, you could give either of the assessments right away but I recommend starting with addition and then giving the subtraction assessment when kids demonstrate addition fluency. đŸ™‚

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